Gielijn Escher
Tribute to Jan Bons, 90 Affiches (Zig Zag), Kunsthal Rotterdam
33 x 46 in. (83 x 118 cm)
Condition: The upper right corner of the posters is slightly damaged. The image is completely intact.
This 2008 poster by Gielijn Escher (1945-) celebrates the work of a fellow Dutch graphic designer, Jan Bons. On the occasion of Bons’s 90th birthday, the Kunsthall in Rotterdam honored him with an exhibition of 90 of his posters. Escher’s promotional poster for this show references Bons’s well-known “Zig Zag” poster, which itself referenced the work of Dutch designer Gerrit Rietveld, who designed the iconic Zig Zag chair. The apple is a nod to Bons’s many posters for the Amsterdam theater company de Appel.