Jan van Toorn
Moholy-Nagy, Visies op Licht, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
(Moholy-Nagy, Visions of Light)
24 x 34 ½ in. (61 x 88 cm)
Condition: Excellent
Jan van Toorn (1932-2020) was a highly influential Dutch graphic designer and educator. He designed many publications, exhibitions and posters for the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, including this poster for an exhibition on Lazlo Maholy-Nagy’s Light Prop sculpture. The Light Prop, designed in 1930, rotates through a beam of light to produce constantly-changing combinations of light and shadow on a blank surface. The image van Toorn uses in the poster is a still photograph of a light and shadow effect created by Maholy-Nagy’s sculpture.